It's been a while since I last posted, and I apologize for that. Things have been crazy the last few months, between moving, and work (night shift is a killer), and being a mother, I haven't really had much time to do anything extra, and that includes writing on here. Fortunately though, I have finally been moved off of noc shift, so my schedule won't be all messed up, and I will actually be awake during the day. I also have some great news! I just got a new job at a local restaurant, that I have been wanting to work at since I first heard it was opening three months ago. The restaurant sources many ingredients from local farms, hosts workshops on topics like jam making and worm composting, and has its own lending library, full of books on cooking, gardening, and farming. I am hoping that this opportunity will help launch me into the field I plan to go into. In my new role I am doing everything from waiting tables, to cooking, to inventory, and learning all of the ins and outs of running a business. I absolutely love my new job, and I enjoy meeting all of the new people I've been able to meet, locally and from around the world. I couldn't ask for a better boss, and it's great to be treated like a team member, and to know that my suggestions are taken seriously.
Here's to another adventure!
~ Hannah ♥