Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homesteader at Heart

When I was a little girl, my mom used to read the Little House on the Prairie books to me, and I was fascinated with the way that Laura's family lived. I loved hearing about Pa's adventures in the Big Woods and the process in which Ma would make things like cheese and pork sausage. I wanted to play house with Laura and Mary out in the woods, and help them churn butter. I even would ask for a butter churn for my birthday every year when I was younger, and my mom would tell me that I was born in the wrong century. (Who knows, I could have traveled the Oregon Trail in a past life.)
Through the years, I have continued to be interested in the whole idea of homesteading and self-sufficient living, and someday (hopefully sooner than later) I would like to try my hand at farming and homesteading.
Currently though, I live in a rental, in town, which restricts my ability to garden and own livestock. Most of my time I spend raising my 18 month-old twins, building a crafting business, taking care of house and taking classes at Portland State, so it might take a little while to work towards my goals, but I'm not giving up any time soon. Any free time I have will be spent learning as much as I can about homesteading and livestock, as well as cooking and crafting.
So join me in my various mothering, cooking, crafting and homesteading adventures, as I work towards my ultimate goal of owning property and living a self-sufficient lifestyle.


  1. Great first post for your Blog! One of these days I'll get you that butter churn you've always wanted.

    Love you,

  2. Hi Hannah,
    Nice to have you join as a follower on my blog. I am still fairly new to whole blog world too, it's fun to connect with other's that share a similar path. I too have always loved the Little House on the Prairie books, my kids do too, we've read them all. Farmer Boy in the series is one of my favorites.

    Reading that you have twins, I too am a twin, and have an identical twin sister, we have stayed close throughout our entire lives. Twins are lucky like that, we always have each other.

    Keep working towards your dream of homesteading and it will come true.
